Gold Fields' Public Holiday Leave Review
It has been Gold Fields’ (GFA) ordinary and customary practice to deduct leave accruals for absences on a Public Holiday in which an employee is otherwise rostered to work. As part of the Gold Fields Public Holiday Review, it has identified that employees have had leave incorrectly deducted when they had taken time off over a public holiday
We would like to apologise to anyone impacted by this and we are working to rectify and remediate this issue as quickly as possible.
Gold Fields’ Actions
For current employees, Gold Fields will recredit impacted leave accruals used on past Public Holidays within the impacted timeframes.
For former employees, this will require a monetary repayment equivalent to impacted leave accruals taken on Public Holidays which fell on or after 1 July 2017.
We have self-reported these issues to Australia’s Fair Work Ombudsman and have engaged Deloitte, a global assurance firm, to undertake a review of our historic leave data. Deloitte have been engaged as they have extensive experience conducting similar reviews with other businesses.
Employee Portal
An Employee Portal has been created for current and former employees.
For current employees, the Portal contains a summary of leave accruals which have been recredited to you. All current employees can access the Portal.
For former employees, the Portal is established to collect, verify and process critical personal information we require to action your repayment. Gold Fields are still assessing the leave data of former employees. Once this assessment has been completed, impacted former employees will be contacted.
All employee groups are able to access assistance within the portal including FAQs, Portal Guides as well to submit queries in writing or over the phone.
Accessing the Portal
The Employee Portal is now open.
Impacted employees can access the Employee Portal by visiting